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Research: our approach

The company is a social place. This is the ontological foundation of the German-inspired social market economy.

If it is true that the company is a social place, then its decision-making life and its work organization must promote a reduction in the socio-economic differences of those who work there. Social conflicts must be reduced because their impact on social cohesion and the sharing of established civil norms can be dramatic, as we can see on a daily basis, at least at the European level.

The Socialing Institute, in collaboration with leading Italian and international experts, has for years been carrying out research and educational interventions in the following areas

– Companies
– Institutions and public bodies
– Associaizoni di categoria

Research is generally divided into three macro areas:

Our reflection is based on the analysis of the emergence and development of AI, network computing, community and social management on Web 2.0.

The New Web represents an organizational model of thinking and social life based on universal accessibility, data sharing and socialization, and the interconnection of all fields of activity distributed across remote geographical areas. The network economy has changed the object of exchange in markets: “what is exchanged today is not property, but access to property, whether physical or intellectual” [Rifkin, 2011].
We refer in particular to the studies of Castells and Wallace on networked activities and forms of interaction in “telematic tribes“. The cultural and social proximity of networked relationships reproduces the “square” of the pre-industrial marketplace: the abolition of space-time barriers has invested more value in the relational dimension than in the information itself.

Net communication has constructed a new collective subject, the virtual community, and it is important, in our view, to ensure the distance from any sales logic among those who meet and socialize online in a reciprocal relationship.
Competition between companies is increasingly taking place on the terrain of ethics and morality, which are becoming an element of differentiation in the company’s offer system. Community management must disregard the logic of supply and demand and therefore gradually abandon marketing in order to embrace socialing.

This demarcation is now unsatisfactory. To us, it seems unbearable to say that there is a wild jungle populated by bandits and opportunists fighting each other with no holds barred on the one hand, and beautiful souls defending universal sentiments, on the other. The for-profit world must become social in order to survive, while the non-profit world must become for-profit in order to survive.

Our research activity involves the inclusion of an autonomous Socialing function, parallel to and integrated with the Marketing function, in companies actively engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility. In ethically certified companies, Socialing plays both an analytical and strategic role.

Starting from the analysis of the communication with all the internal and external stakeholders of reference, the Socialing function must be able to formulate a service offer for the territory and initiatives to socialize its experiences in the local community. In our research paths, we try to draw the guidelines for the implementation of a strategy and an operational plan capable of activating viable forms of Socialing, even in those developing countries with which, companies operating on an international scale, collaborate.

Our reflection starts from the assumption that in art, culture, education, as well as in politics and the tertiary sector, the economic paradigm based on the law of supply and demand is inapplicable or must be rethought, drawing inspiration from the principles of economic humanism or humanistic capitalism.

Supply” cannot anticipate by determining “demand“, which must be allowed to formulate itself “ex ante” in an autonomous way. The categories of thought and dynamics proper to the market economy cannot regulate the design phase of “supply“, but they can contribute, with their analytical precision, to increasing the effectiveness of the phase of controlling the communication forms and results’ socialization. The economics of demand must give way to the centrality of the cultural offer of the socialing approach, whose regulatory mechanism does not depend on selling and buying, but on the proposal and acceptance of a project whose denominator is primarily the common good.

Our experience in recent years has focused on the agri-food market, where quality certification, product integrity and the quality of the entire supply chain are the necessary elements for the success of Made in Italy. We focused our efforts on EXPO 2015 in Milan because it was a great cultural and economic opportunity for our entire production system.

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